vaidika upacharas
kala sarpa dosha
The planets and their positions have a lot of influence on our lives. At the time of birth, their positions in the birth chart impact our lives. A dosha indicates bad conditions in the natal chart. Derived from Sanskrit, dosha signifies physical disorders. In Vedic Astrology, it signifies planets in an unfavorable condition in the natal chart. Doshas are believed to create malefic effects even if planets in transit are in a good position. This could adversely affect the native’s life.
Kala means time, and Sarpa means serpent. Kala Sarpa means ‘Serpent of Time.’In Vedic Astrology, Rahu and Ketu represent the serpent. While Rahu is the head of the serpent, Ketu forms the body. When all planets, including Lagna, are placed within Rahu and Ketu, Kala Sarpa Dosha exists. It is also called Kala Sarpa Yoga. It is a powerful dosha and can nullify other good yogas in a natal chart.
Individuals pay for the karma of bad deeds of past life, and they suffer the impact in the current life. Once the phase is over, the natives begin to rise in life and reach a good position.
perform kala sarpa dosha
what to expect
₹ 14,999
- Havana
- 11,000 recitations of Mangala mantra
- Arati
- Pushpanjali
- 3 priests
- Feeding of 3
other dosha remedies
kala sarpa dosha
mangala dosha
sarpa dosha
chandala dosha
kalathra dosha
amavasya dosha
eka nakshatra dosha
kemadruma dosha
ganda moola dosha
ghaata dosha
grahana dosha
shrapit dosha
pitru dosha
nadi dosha
angaraka dosha
bhoot pret badha dosha