vaidika upacharas
nadi dosha

When it is time to find a partner, Nadi must be examined. Every one of the three nadis is named Aadya. Nadis symbolize the three Tridoshas in Ayurveda (cough)..
Aadya Nadi
This Vast Nature is connected with Aadya Nadi’s Vata dosha in Nadi’s body. It follows from this that the child of two parents with the same Nadi Dosha (Vaat Nature) would inherit that dosha and may have various health problems during childhood.
Madhya Nadi
In Madhya Nadi, Pitta Dosha is found (Fiery). These people are more prone to physical and mental illnesses such as anger and irritation because of their Pitta nature. Since their kid will inherit their dosha, if both partners have this Nadi, they may suffer from significant illnesses, such as jaundice at delivery. In addition, the kid may need to be maintained in an incubator.
Antya Nadi
Antya Nadi Dosha, also known as Ida Nadi Dosha, is governed by the Moon, and is marked by coughing. Marriage between a male and girl with Antya Nadi will be chilly. Children born to parents with this Nadi will also have this dosha and may have health issues at an early age.
perform nadi dosha
what to expect
₹ 14,999
- Havana
- 11,000 recitations of Mangala mantra
- Arati
- Pushpanjali
- 3 priests
- Feeding of 3
other dosha remedies
kala sarpa dosha
mangala dosha
sarpa dosha
chandala dosha
kalathra dosha
amavasya dosha
eka nakshatra dosha
kemadruma dosha
ganda moola dosha
ghaata dosha
grahana dosha
shrapit dosha
pitru dosha
nadi dosha
angaraka dosha
bhoot pret badha dosha